Thursday, August 28, 2008

Aug 29th

It has been a while again, but we're back. We got our Board mark. Not what I expected but it gets me the grades I need to get my letters.

Training has been average at best. I had a few weeks of high level of energy and great sesssion only to have a lull period follow in the last week or so. The toughest part is having the consistancy factor. Nonetheless I remain committed to the weekly grind.

Recently I finished reading "The Long Tail" an interesting book, about 3 years old but relevant still, about how the internet and vast inventory of cheap storage has created a vast series of niche markets where high levels of product, obscure as some of it may be, has proportionaltelly increased demand.

Grand Theft Auto 4 on line is great.
Sister will have a boy - 4 months pregnant now with 2nd child.
Weekend at Killarne National Park unexpectedly relaxing.
Joe Biden is good choice for VP.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

July 9th

Since the Board Report I have felt peace and contentment within. I've focused on catching up some reading. In the last three weeks I've read "When Disaster Strikes - Who Survives and Who Does Not", "What Happened" ny Scott MaClelland and "The Drukard's Walk - How Randomness Rules Our Lives" and the HBR articles.

Above all else reading provides perspective and understanding and every day I make an effort to read the news and at least one article or a few pages from a book. The effects on the brain and overall mental sharpness are tremendous.

A few weeks Diana sent me to an few Excel workshops - level 2 and 3 and to a large extent a lot of the material was review of things that I work on and use daily. Mostly they clarified the usage of multiple data series on the row and column sides and clarified the use of if formulas and some conditional formatting. All very useful in my work.

Sessions in the gym have been up and down - the heat makes breathing somewhat laboured and still it would be good to do more cardio overall. In the heat its tough though.............

See "Wanted" with Angelina Jolie and "Get Smart", "The Hulk" disappointed........

Sunday, June 22, 2008

My training session have been intense and furious. It's as though the energy and concentration I put into the CMA program has now shifted back into the weight room. There is that need once again to grind against the cold hard iron. Once again I began doing calves which has given me the needed power in the squat through transfer of leverage throughout the whole leg.

Somehow since now all the academic work of the CMA has ended it seems that there is no sense of loss but one of real tangible accomplishment - more so in many ways that a degree. With the CMA it seems one become a part of some fraternity while with a degree you feel cut off from the institution once you leave.

I anticipated that I would feel a sense of loss as when I graduated back in '96, but not at all.

The Hulk seemed low budget - made in the dark to hide the lack of resources to finance more extensive graphics, but the story was deeper and more immersive.

Get Smart and Mongol seem promising as does Hancock which is a must see - of course for pure entertainment value.

Until next time.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

June 15th

We got 8.5/10 on the CMA Board Report presentation.

We expected perhaps a 7/10 but if our actual mark is any indication of how the written report will be marked, then perhaps this will count as our finest effort.

Kaye always said that it will take time but in 10 years............the time has now come.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

June 8th

By next Sat it will be all over. We handed in the Board Report last week. Nearly three years culminates in a simple hour consisting of 30 minutes of presenting 15 of min of questions and another 15 minutes of evaluation.

And then what?

Back in 1996 after graduating from U of T it took me a few months just to get used to the idea of not going back to school in the fall. Granted it was 9 years in between but going back 3 years in a row one can get used to looking forward to the the deadlines and commitments.

It seems that the small and simple things take on a greater meaning when squeezed into a time based deadline. The movie or dinner with a friend can seem that more significant when surrounded by an external goal - having an assignment or a report to complete.

Grand Theft Auto 4 has been a disappointment. It feels slow and laboured and just seems to lack that "I can get myself lost in this game doing nothing" feel the predecessors had. The driving feels laboured with traffic blocking ones path once you feel you have enough speed an inevitable crash brings to an end your long winded sprint. The incessant ringing of the phone is also a distraction esp when all you want to do is drive around on your own. San Andreas and Vice City still call.......

Saturday, May 3, 2008

May 3rd

Again I need to write more frequently but with demands of work and school and the gym (not really a demand but it can be seen that way) its tough at the end of the day to sit down and feel inspired to put some words into the vast wilderness of cyberspace.

Having been chosen by my CMA group to write the first 10,000 words of the Board Report has been a somewhat daunting task with the weight of responsibility to come up with something half decent. But I am up to the challenge. 3 weeks of writing and I am almost done. Another 1,000 words or so and I had it off to the next writer. It will be interesting to see whether any changes or editing work alters the first draft in any meaningful ways.

Just getting over a rather tough battle with a lung infection. Just when I thought it went away it came back although in slightly milder form. Not fun esp when one has demands and responsibilities to others. Some things just require immediate attention irrespective of whether or not one feels ill or otherwise.

GTA 4 came out earlier in the week and I must say given the time I waited for the game I have only played 20 minutes in total - watched the opening credits and did two missions. Playing will come later when the draft is finished. Delayed gratification? Something of that order. But its the GTA game that was meant to be made. Finally it seems the technology caught up to expectations. Now what will Rockstar and Take Two do for the next installment.........?

Till next time............


Sunday, March 16, 2008

In better shape than in the last 3-4 years

Alright friends

It has been way too long since the last post.

Since the beginning of the year I have been training alone. My former training partner made what I saw as an inappropriate remark regarding wanting to have dinner. I found that to be too close for comfort and basically indicated I wanted to train alone, which I have wanted to do anyway.

Since then my sessions have isolated, introspective and totally focused. My lower back is now fully healed. I am back to 315 in the squat for 10 easy reps and 365 for 5-6. This weight is a far cry from the 405 I did for 6-8 reps but still a substantial improvement from the last 8-10 years.

I am now leaner and in better shape than in the last 3-4 years. More cardio, cleaner eating and more restful nights have resulted in a tighter waistline, thinner skin and more pronounced fullness esp in the back and legs.

Next year I'll be looking to compete in the first bodybuilding show and given I am not getting younger this would be an ideal time to basically do my first and likely only show.

The sessions now feel like they have a real purpose. The drive is there, as well as the mental toughness to keep going in the face of physical exhaustion and fatigue. Its one of the ultimate reference points for who you are at any given time.

This week is a short one. I am taking Thrs off to run some errands and then spend time with the family at Easter and of course working on the CMA Board Report.